1. Use quality pictures and graphics for your avatar, header and background to dress up your profile. Nothing says spammer quite like the default egg that shows on Twitter profiles missing a picture. Simple backgrounds work best. Avoid clutter.
2. Complete your profile bio using complete language and specific keywords so that people will find you when conducting a search. Space is tight here, so really focus on the essentials.
3. Include your website and other contact information. If you show up in search, you want prospects to be able to jump directly to your site. Make sure you include your location to take advantage of local SEO.
4. Don’t stuff your tweets with #Hashtags. Depending on the platform people are using, hashtags can break up the tweet, making it hard to read. Use plain English. Avoid jargon unless you’re looking to attract a particular market.
5. Avoid personal comments that don’t have a connection to your business. Most of your followers don’t care that you’re at the coffee shop. They’re looking for useful information that helps them solve a problem. Don’t be afraid to ask your followers questions.
Tweet useful content
6. Share your links. Make sure your links have been shortened and are placed in the middle of the Tweet followed by any additional content. If using #hashtags place them at the end.
7. Share links to good content related to your industry that your followers would have an interest in. Be useful by providing help.
Followers and following
8. Connect with the people who have a connection to your business. Avoid the numbers game and look for connections that are relevant to your industry.
Listening and talking
9. Twitter is a two-way conversation, so respond to what others tweet about your company and the content you’ve shared. Join, or start, Twitter Chats that are relevant to your business.
10. Track your keywords and monitor what people say. Join conversations when it’s relevant and make sure you’re aware when people are talking about you so you can respond.
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